The Greatness behind walking 10,000 steps a day

The Greatness behind walking 10,000 steps a day

HI everyone, let us see the greatness behind walking 10,000 steps or more is good for u. Well lets see walking from many angles on how it can benefit us

Physical Aspects:

  1. Walking is a low impact but it also does burns calories, so if u love your carbohydrates like rice, noodles, pasta in your meals, make it a practice to walk more than 10000 steps every day. Due to its intensity is low, simple logic tells us to increase the length of the duration to equalize running for an example.

    Best solution: morning walk 30 mins and hit one more in the evening 30 mins

  2. Due to its low impact compared to running and jumping it’s so much safer to any age and able to do it every day. Low impact exercises are limited, walking is great but u just have to wake up early to give the duration for the walking to be done.

    Best Solution: Make sure u have proper insole for your feet type and proper walking shoe to support a walking gait heel to forefoot transition, so that this will allow a proper alignment of the feet, knee, and lower back and the Best Part is keeping the Impact really low.

  3. Maintain Muscle .As we age we will tend to lose the largest muscle in our body which is the thigh muscle known as Quadriceps, Hamstring and Gluteus, Especially the Quadriceps, which is responsible on the knee extension movement, and losing this muscle can cause knee pain, basic movement like walking utilizes this muscles and keeps the muscle healthy and in shape.

    Best Solution: alternate your walking pace and add a little hill at your comfort zone .

    Exercise is not punishment for the food we consumed, its celebration and gratitude how we are mobile depends on how much we respect and enjoy the walk.

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Psychological Aspects:

  1. The most scientifically proven is the power of nature , the morning walk gives u great refreshing air which is great for overall health. This is where walking makes the most impact where we can really enjoy the nature and walk by enjoying the chillness and fresh oxygen.

    Best Solution: Respect Nature and love Green

  2. The u can focus on a relaxed breathing, following your walking pace if u are looking for a relaxed walk, this is great for improving respiratory system and great for reducing stress and make you u feel good inside and out. Almost like walking meditation.

    Best Solution: Walk and be concise  breathing using your nose and walking slow maybe inhale 3 and exhale 3. Just an example.

Health Aspect:

  1. Definitely walking bring downs your Glucose and blood pressure and great for Heart.

    Best Solution : Keep your Carbohydrate amount low and u can keep the sugar to give enough energy.

  2. Perfect  for Heart Health: Walking is the moderate intensity kind of exercise that is best for our heart. Because we are meant to stay alive till 80 of more years long. Keeping it somewhere 135 to 145 heart beat highest and back down to 90. Is most suggested.

    (Based on someone who has a resting heart rate of 60.)

    Best Solution:  Start walking as a reward for yourself and enjoy it, somedays fast, sometimes slow, just enjoy, some days with songs, somedays listening to podcast, somedays just talk to yourself,(Self reflection.)

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