Do Golfers Benefit From Using Insole? Why & How?

Do Golfers Benefit From Using Insole? Why & How?

golf, sunset, sport
  • Golf is definitely a sport that looks easy to play, but every sport has its technicality. Golf may look stationary but it requires prolonged standing and load on the feet for 8 hours or longer.
  • Any Golfer can suffer from feet pain or commonly known as plantar fasciitis , or other feet pain, this can be worse if the same person has High Arch, Low Arch , or Pronation. This feet type will definitely load not just the ankle and feet but also knee and lower back as well due to postural misalignment.
  • Standing for long hours can also affect feet fatigue and this can also make the golfers want to take more breaks between practice, small fatigue can also affect the performance for serious golfers.Golf requires great ankle mobilization and core stabilization, feet pronation and knee alignment definitely gives a great impact on the golfing performance.
  • The foundation of the pain is the ignorance and lack of knowledge about feet type. Most people are not aware about the feet type.


  1. Get your feet type scan and checked and know your feet type.
  2. Do your calve muscle stretch 3 sets of 10 seconds
  3. Heel raise to strengthen the calve muscle and support ankle movement 2 sets x 15 reps.
Sports Insole
  • VRX13 Premium Custom Made Sports Insole is perfect for golf because of the arch support and forefoot cushioning suits the pressure on prolonged standing on the forefoot during golf play.
  • The Arch Support is so Unique because of the Custom made to your Arch
  • The Full Length area of the insole has Cushion meant for Sports Shock absorption and Comfort.